Natural desiccated thyroid from Thailand, Thyroid-S (Sriprasit Pharma)
500 tablets
Expiration date: 2026
So, you want to buy Thyroid-S?
In our Store you can always order Thyroid-S from Thailand.
This drug is primarily intended for the treatment of the thyroid gland.
But there is another application, for athletes, bodybuilding, weight loss. Although it has been discouraged recently because many people abused it.
Be sure to check with your doctor first. Do not self-medicate.
Each Thyroid S tablet contains 60 mg. of the hormonal extract of thyroid gland of pigs.
Natural porcine thyroid glands in dried form!
Dosage: 305 to 250 mg. of Thyroid-S per day, in divided doses.
It is recommended to start taking "Thyroid S" at 1/2 tablet (half a tablet) per day, gradually increasing the dose if there are no side effects.
Store in a dark and cool place (possibly in the refrigerator).
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